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Mircea Arapu, Illustrator of Pif and Hercule: “Drawing has always kept me on the surface.”

In 1959, a 4 year old boy from Bucharest, living in a part of the city with nice houses, between Popa Nan and Hala Traian, decided to leave home and go searching for Pif, the famous comic book dog.

He had discovered the Pif universe in the Vaillant magazines, that an aunt had given to his older brother. From that moment on, he has dedicated his life to his passion for comics.

Povestea lui Mircea Arapu, desenatorul lui Pif și Hercule: “Desenul m-a scos întotdeauna la suprafață.”

Mircea Arapu locuiește la Paris de mai bine de 40 de ani și este cetățean francez.
Este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți realizatori români de bandă desenată, iar cariera sa este strâns legată de istoria revistei Pif Gadget, unde a publicat peste treizeci de episoade din Arthur, fantoma justițiară și altele cu Pif și Hercule, sau Placid și Muzo.

Cristinel Șirli, the sound engineer in charge of one of the top studios in France: „I didn’t come to France to do sound, it was a matter of life and death.”

Born in Oravița and going to high-school in Bucharest, young Cristinel Șirli was dreaming in the ‘80s of becoming a cinematographer. At the age of 20, a horrifying diagnosis that gave him only a few months to live, would change his destiny.

Today he is one of the most important film sound engineers in France, owning his own studios, at the highest level, in the center of Paris.